Happy Holi everyone !!
No doubt the streets of India are by now drenched in the brightest of colours by those who were out celebrating this morning. Every Holi I cant help but feel nostalgic about all those wonderful years when as children we ran riot, armed with colours and water. Such a fun ritual to welcome Spring !
Driving down my own street in London this morning there are no crowds playing Holi but it is nonetheless a riot of colours. Cherry blossoms, daffodils, tulips ….Spring is here! The skies are bluer and everything is brighter. The dark days of winter are certainly behind us.
While we won’t be lighting bonfires or dousing each other with colours, perhaps we will take time out to enjoy the blossoms and celebrate the coming of Spring. The beginning of a new cycle, the transition of the sun to the Northern Hemisphere, of moving from darkness to light and from to cold to warmth.
Spiritually, Holi signifies the triumph of good over evil. Perhaps a time then to make some resolutions, dust off the apathy and make small positive changes to our lives and the world around us ?
Happy Holi !!!!
To read about the religious significance of Holi the Festival of Colours click here.
( Apologies for the very long break. The health was in need of some TLC and lots of rest. Back at my desk now and hope to write more regularly )
colours bright
in mind on skin
laughter joy
pure delight
Welcome back
Happy health
Happy Holi
AJ Happy to be back and writing again !